Monday, 27 September 2010


'This isn't like that Twilight bullshit' says one reviewer on YouTube. True says team dave. Another film packed full of vampires but in this one instead of co-existing with humans, they have all but wiped them out.

Plenty of gore, plenty of bits flying round. Loads of vampires, loads of dead people. Should be the recipe for excellence. Yet, Daybreakers has a few problems...

In the near future, a virus has swept the world turning humans into vampires and the world now operates only at night. The few remaining humans are now farmed Matrix stylee for their blood but there isn't enough to go round so blood quotas are introduced and vampires are forced to have just 5% in their regular coffee intake.

Our hero, Edward (Ethan Hawke) is a vampire working on a blood substitute that will lessen the vampire's dependency on human blood. Sympathetic to humans (he never wanted to be a vampire, having been turned against his will by his lunatic brother), he works as hard as possible to produce a cure. Meanwhile less and less humans are around to feed on and all out chaos starts to break out. Vampires starved of blood mutate into freaky bat things that even regular vampires are afraid of.

Sounds ok you say. Well, the bizarre bit of this movie is the fact that vampires are so easy to kill. Point a stick at them - they die. Shine a light at them - they die. Fire a dart at them - they die. Shout boo at them - they die...well not quite but you get the idea. Vampires die all over the place. They are about as scary as your grandma. In fact so unscary are they that you wonder how on earth the humans let themselves be overrun by them in the first place. In the end a gang of about 10 poorly equipped humans are able to overthrow the entire vampire populace. Errr...what?

Anyway, if you ignore that fact, the rest of the film is ok. Willem Defoe throws a campy hand in as 'Elvis' the leader of the renegade humans and Sam Neill plays a threatening, if somewhat toothless baddy. Ethan Hawke is mostly pathetic in his role - looking confused and pasty throughout. The whole thing is shot in a blueish tinge probably to make it feel like night-time and there are some nice gadget type things chucked in for good effect (groovy self-inflating tyres so vampires don't have to go outside in the daytime to change them). The gore adds to the nightmare feel of a future that has gone wrong - in this case not due to a mechanical threat (eg. Matrix, Terminator) but due to a biological one.

Team Dave says, "Vampires are pussies - I could take them with a solar powered torch. This is OK for a rental but you wouldn't really want it cluttering your shelves. 6/10"